Fruits of The Tree of Life


For the last few weeks, we focused on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (TKGE) and the way it robs us of our freedom and our relationship with God. This week, let’s turn our attention to the Tree of Life (TOL) and its fruits which can set us free! 

As Christ followers, we need to prepare, building up our faith by reading God’s Word and training our thoughts to line up with Biblical truths. It is the place that Tree of Life thinking comes in, helping us to learn to truly live in the freedom we are promised in Christ. Paul tells us in Galatians 5:13, “For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters.” How does this work? When we get into God’s Word daily, His Word lights our way in every situation and every circumstance, protecting us from danger and giving us success. 

Take a moment to read Luke 6:27-36 today. What do you learn about living as children of God – in innocence and freedom? When we live in the Tree of Life, our focus changes from our sins and shortcomings to God and His goodness and it is there that He restores our innocence – a conduit of His power. As we are filled with the Holy Spirit and live in Jesus, we are freed from the works of darkness in our lives. Instead, we become vessels of honor who are useful to God as His life flows through us. By His power, there is nothing we cannot do! Innocence keeps our minds and hearts pure so we can see and understand God and live in freedom.

May we see God and submit our lives to Him, so that we may be equipped for every good work so the fruit of the Spirit may be manifest in us for all to see.   

If you want to learn more with us, there’s still time to pick up your copies of A Year to a Better You, the year-long devotional, and the companion S.O.A.P. Journal.


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