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Challenges are a huge part of life and so are dreams. Jesus tells us in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” The life He promises is one of His salvation, our reconciliation with Him, and the promise of eternal life. With Christ, we are under His protection. With Him, we can experience life to the full, an abundant spiritual life empowered by Jesus living within us.

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The Pursuit of Happiness

Everyone is searching for happiness and many people’s lives are defined by what they believe brings happiness, or at least their pursuit of it. Happiness is often defined by how we feel, but the truth is our feelings aren’t often a reliable measure of happiness. In this study, we will explore the pursuit of happiness from the world’s perspective and then compare it to the biblical view of happiness versus joy. Finally, we will complete our pursuit with a journey to find true happiness and keep it.