Lessons From The Journey: Covenant Partners vs Halfway Friends

van moody ministries Mar 15, 2023

Some of those who began the journey with us 18 years ago are not with us now and that is okay. The journey to anything significant is long and often involves different people entering and exiting along the journey. The People Factor is a huge part of the journey. We must learn to love those who leave in the midst of the journey and welcome those who are sent to join us in the journey. It is crucial for us to share love and grace with those who depart, not taking their exit personally. It is equally important that we welcome those newcomers who join us for seasons in the journey.

On the journey, the key is for us to remember the words of Hebrews 13:20-21, “Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever.” God is the one who equips each of us for the journey. God is the one who steers each of us along the path He had for our lives. The people who come in and out of your life along the journey don’t change God’s plan for your life.

On our journey as a church, we have seen people come and go, each equipped by God with unique gifts and abilities. We have to trust God in the comings and goings, as He is the one who equips each of us to do His good works. God has a plan for our lives, which He reveals to us over the course of our lives. We must love those who have left us on the journey, even as we welcome and love those who have joined us in the journey.

May we persevere, as we continue to seek God’s will for ourselves and the church, as we share our faith with everyone whether they are coming or going in our midst.


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