Jesus Is Teaching Us The Importance of Handling Money

Sep 18, 2023

Last week, we settled the issue of ownership learning everything belongs to God. We also discovered He has entrusted us to manage it all on His behalf. We are His stewards (managers). In Luke 16:11-12, we read, “And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? And if you are not faithful...

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Are You On Empty? Prioritizing Your Rest.

Jul 24, 2023

We’ve learned much about keeping the Sabbath rest, God’s command for our benefit. It is truly a precious gift. In fact, we weren’t made for the Sabbath, but rather the Sabbath was made for us. God didn’t create us so there would be creatures to honor His Sabbath – He created the Sabbath as a gift to His beloved...

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Jesus's Death

Apr 08, 2023

Last week, we explored the greatness of Jesus as we looked at His life and earthly ministry, but we know His life ended abruptly as He carried out God’s plan to restore, renew, and repair our relationship with Him. Jesus was tried, sentenced, flogged, and crucified. Roman crucifixion was horrific, crafted to shame the victim and designed...

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Lessons from The Journey: Keep Dreaming

Mar 29, 2023

As this month comes to a close, we find ourselves 18 years in and anticipate the best is yet to come. Often, after many years, leaders and people arrive at a point in life where they stop playing offense and begin to play defense – in other words, they stop dreaming!

We have to keep dreaming – playing offense toward expansion and...

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Lessons From The Journey: Covenant Partners vs Halfway Friends

Mar 15, 2023

Some of those who began the journey with us 18 years ago are not with us now and that is okay. The journey to anything significant is long and often involves different people entering and exiting along the journey. The People Factor is a huge part of the journey. We must learn to love those who leave in the midst of the journey and welcome those...

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Lessons From The Journey: Everything Worthwhile Is Uphill

Mar 08, 2023

Those early years were hard for me and our church. I worked non-stop, practically sleeping in my office. I quickly learned everything worthwhile is an uphill battle. The early years required hard work, incalculable grace from my wife, and loads of sweat equity. During this time I learned a valuable lesson – don’t quit because the...

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Lessons from The Journey: Don't Despise Small Beginnings ✞

Feb 27, 2023

This March our church turns 18 years old. It seems like only yesterday when we held our first service on the second Sunday of March 2006 and yet our 18 year journey has held many lessons. This month, we’ll be exploring some of the greatest lessons I have learned along the journey of The Worship Center, in order to inspire you on your own...

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Weekly Advantage: February 2023 #4 - Resilience

Feb 22, 2023

I love to think of nature as unlimited broadcasting stations, through which God speaks to us every day, every hour and every moment of our lives, 

if we will only tune in and remain so.”

George Washington Carver

In this simple statement, George Washington Carver, reminds us that resilience requires tuning into and trusting God...

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Weekly Advantage: February 2023 #3- Perseverance

Feb 15, 2023

In Acts 8:26-39, we find the story of Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. As the story goes, “there was an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a court official of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure” who “had come to Jerusalem to worship.”  As a eunuch, he would have been excluded from temple...

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Weekly Advantage: February 2023 #2 -Faith

Feb 08, 2023

As we continue our observation of Black History Month with Lessons from our Past – today we will explore the life and faith of Rosa Parks. Most people know her story -  Rosa Parks, seamstress, refused to give up her seat on the segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama on the first of December in 1955 and in doing so sparked the modern...

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