A Year to a Better You Transformation: Getting into the Word with God

Last week, we began our journey into A Year to a Better You. I hope you’ve decided to join us as we study the Word and dig deeper into God’s truths. (There’s still time to pick up your year-long devotional and the companion S.O.A.P. Journal and join us on our journey of transformation.)

So far, we’ve learned the importance of being strong and courageous, putting our faith in God, so that we can live life successfully. We saw it in the life of Joshua who was instructed by God to read and study His Word day and night, and to obey it so he would be prosperous and successful. God also promised to be with Joshua wherever he went and to never fail or abandon him. Everything God told Joshua provides us with guidelines for our own lives to live a strong and courageous, prosperous, and successful life as believers. 

Today, let’s read Deuteronomy 17:14-20. Practice the S.O.A.P. steps we learned last week as you read. Do you notice anything which seems to fit with what we read in Joshua 1 last week? Here we see the same Book of the Law Joshua was instructed to read and meditate on day and night. It is interesting to note, God gave these instructions about kings for the future because while God desired to set them apart by being their King, He knew they would one day ask for an earthly king like other countries had. 

What then is the personal application for us, after all we’re not kings, nor do we live in a country with a human king. We can see in this passage what is needed for success. We gain knowledge, understanding, and insight by doing what the kings of Israel were instructed to do – read the Word, write it, and keep it at our side daily. 

May we, as we journey though A Year to a Better You, be encouraged, inspired, and challenged as we grow in the knowledge of God and in our relationship with Him.


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