Faith Is The Currency of God’s Kingdom

faith weekly advantage Oct 02, 2023

We live in a time when many people are choosing to no longer believe God. Not only is it happening in our country but around the world. Many have lost confidence in the political, social, economic, and religious systems of the present, and are opting out. 

Many believe peace on earth is impossible. Some question the United Nation’s ability to prevent wars. Most doubt politicians’ ability to solve economic problems. Others question scientists’ ability to meet medical or environmental challenges. Still others live in fear of terrorism, war, ethnic cleansing, or abortion. Humanity at large is wondering if there is an alternative to the world we have developed and in the midst of it all, people have lost their faith in faith. 

When we lose our faith, our belief, we lose hope. When hope is lost, life loses meaning. It is the enemy’s master plan. Satan wants to steal our faith because if he succeeds, we are spiritually bankrupt. Faith is the currency of God’s Kingdom, so it shouldn’t surprise us to find God’s Word talks continually about faith. In Hebrews 11:6, God’s Word proclaims, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” The concept here is crucial – if we want to please God, we have to believe God, we have to have faith.

 What is faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” The Greek word for faith is pistis which means deeply held belief, a deep conviction that something is true. Faith, in this verse, is confident expectation. May we have biblical faith, believing God will keep His Word and do what He has promised, and may we act in faith each and every day.  


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