Storing Up Treasure in Heaven

giving weekly advantage Sep 05, 2023

This month, we are doing a Financial Fast to better understand how to honor God with our Financial Management. What exactly does that mean? It means we will be learning or reminding ourselves how we honor God by managing (stewarding) the finances He has given to us.

Let’s start this week by unlearning the wrongs we have been taught about money. Would you believe what God says about money is most likely the opposite of  what you’ve been taught? It’s true. Take a minute to read Luke 16:1-15 which is commonly known as The Parable of the Shrewd Manager. Why do you think Jesus thought this was such an important lesson? Sadly, the truth is most believers aren’t very good at money management. We find ourselves without a plan - no emergency fund, lacking retirement funds, living paycheck to paycheck, and continually increasing our debt.

 Luke 16:9 says, “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” Jesus is telling us we are to love people and use money but many of us are doing the opposite because we start loving money and using people. Our money is designed to be a tool used for God’s purposes not our own. God supplies the resources so we can do good as we consider the future. 

In this passage, we see the shrewd manager make a plan and quickly enact it. We all need a financial plan, but according to Proverbs 16:9, “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps” so we must plan according to God’s way not our way. May we all make an honest plan for the future – not toward our retirement but toward our eternity with Jesus in heaven. We need to be storing up treasure in heaven not here on earth as the world teaches.  


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